It rained all week until yesterday.
Friday was Gary’s Dr. appointment with Dr. Eakle, and she gave him his blood test results. There is a 3% invasion of T-cells in his bloodstream. She is not worried about that, but ordered the usual CAT scans that we arranged for Wednesday. While he is doing that, I’m getting my haircut. (I’ve been cutting the front myself, but the back is a little more difficult). Then we see his radiologist to see if his spot can be erased.
Today, I finally cleaned the coach from top to bottom. It really does take a couple of hours. I wash every surface, vacuum the sofa and floor, and wash the floor on my hands and knees. It’s the fastest way considering there are so many twists and turns and little tiny corners everywhere. Hey, it’s exercise. Gary worked on the outside of the coach, exchanging the holy sewer hose for a new one, rearranged the bays and moved the picnic table. Yesterday we secured the awning with guy-wires to keep it secure during a sudden gust of wind. Dirk, the CG Manager stopped by and Gary mentioned that we would be interested in WorkCamping if we didn’t get a job at WDW. He explained what the job entailed, which was basically manual labor. Raking the millions of oak tree leaves and running the Honey Wagon. This is a truck that is used for non-sewer sites. One’s black and grey tanks are emptied into the truck, then disposed into an in-ground sewer. I would probably work in the office, but wouldn’t mind doing other things as well. In exchange, you get a free site, free food, free entrance to events and 5 days off a week. Free equals money. Even though this site is costing us now, by renting for a month, it is less expensive than by the day. If we could save hundreds by working two days a week, I’d say that’s a pretty good exchange. That’s what workcamping is.
It’s a nice day, our chores are finished, we’re going to have sushi for dinner and only need to pick up Gary’s prescription at Walmart. I think I’ll read something. Then after sushi, I’m challenging Gary to two out of three at pool. Not the swimming pool, but the pool table in the lodge. Naturally, he needed his pool cue from storage, and we found that. Naturally. Wish me luck!
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