Back in North Carolina, we had fun with family all three days ending with a BBQ at the campsite Monday evening.
Wednesday we woke to dark gray skies, but it didn’t say rain. Back onto 95 South where there were lots of construction stamps on my TripTik to watch out for. There was no construction whatsoever, and the road was great. Suddenly Gary said “I think there’s a Dutch Star behind us”. And sure enough we gave each other a Cousin honk as they passed. I assume they were heading back to Florida, but we saw them pulled off to the side of an exit ramp later.
We figured out how to put on one AC at a time so we don’t trip the breakers on 30 Amp. Duh. You turn one off by switching a breaker. If you remember we are new to Direct TV Satellite having it installed in New Jersey and have not had a chance to get it working easily. Fortunately, Ranger Larry was one of the first installers ever – in Florida, no less. He used to go to Sarasota from the middle of the state to pick up supplies. Small world. He gave us a few pointers, so we may try it after dinner. Our camp host (the person, couple or family) that decides to camp long term and be a helper to other campers (thus staying for free) is a couple from Holland. He has a very unusual accent that we detected right away, even though he has been in the US for 59 years. He is probably only 65, so he must have learned that accent thoroughly in utero to be hanging on to it for so many years. Cool.
The Rangers, Larry and James stopped by just as we were trying to get a signal on our satellite between all the trees.
Gary grilled our salmon in the rain (not very hard and under the awning), and now we rest. Ahhh. I love this life.
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