
Thursday, July 14, 2011

What's Up This Weekend

The sound of the awning wrenching in the wind woke us up at 5:15 this morning. Gary and I jumped out of bed as the lightning and thunder crashed overhead. We quickly got the stuff off the awning and closed it up as huge drops fell from the sky. That storm was totally unexpected, and as usual, we were the only people on Dollywood Row to do anything. It's a mystery to me why people take a chance, when someone's awning went south just a couple of weeks ago. Anyway it was tough to get back to sleep because of the lightning and thunder three feet over our head.
Gary was expecting to play golf, and I was getting a haircut at nine am. He was pretty sure his game was a wash out, but his partner showed up on time and said that the course had missed all the rain and the game was on! One happy camper went out that door.
Getting various degrees of horrible wash and wear haircuts in the past, I tried another tactic. I asked my hairdresser "what would you do if you had my hair?" well, that got her to thinking... She picked up a pair of scissors, put them down and then picked up a razor thingy. Swish, swish and a few more swishes and before I knew it she was done and I loved it! She was also the only hairdresser I can ever remember asking if I liked it. Well, yes! Here it is:
Bye, bye curls for now

Then I came home to a few chores. Ugh, oh, my washer/dryer is making a funny noise. I wonder who can fix that?? Then I had a lunch date with my friends at the Apple Barn where we ate another of the fried apple pie I took a picture of a couple weeks ago. That was lunch and breakfast. We had a good time talking and eating, then actually walked through the gift store admiring the bird houses, but not enough to purchase one.

Wednesday we got ready for work, headed in for our 11-4 shift and was told when we arrived that we weren't supposed to be working at all. Huh? Well, miscommunication was the culprit, so we did our employee survey and went home.
Today we did have to work, and there were some huge storms heading right for us, but turned at the last minute and not a drop fell. Six o'clock came finally, and we cooled off with a shower and drink.

This weekend we will be taking our coach to Gaffney, SC to the Freightliner Center for two reasons. First, to have our chassis looked over as we will be heading out west this winter and want everything in good shape. And the second is to attend Camp Freightliner, where we will enjoy learning about our chassis with hands on activities and classroom instruction. Should be lots of fun, except for the class starting at 8 am both mornings. That's cutting into my coffee time...
So I will let you know how we are preparing for this drive after Gary's treatment tomorrow. We're excited to be on the road again, but not the road we have to take.


  1. Hair looks tooooo cute and it is perfect for the hot weather!!!

    I believe this is the time of year for the Peach Festival in Gaffney. Be sure to get some of their fresh peaches in the world!!!

  2. Love the haircut too!

    We did Camp Freighliner right after the RV Dreams rally in April. It's wonderful but they pack an awful lot of information into 2 days. I think I would have retained more if it were fed to us slower over 4 days! LOL We certainly learned a lot though. You'll be glad you went.
