
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas is Coming!

Friday morning was another pretty day, but I was coughing more than ever. Gary went off to work, and then the phone rang. It was Deployment wondering where I had been the last two days and today. What? I was not scheduled to work until Dec. 1. I haven’t even been trained yet. Well, after 15 minutes of being switched to this person and that person, I talked with Ellen who excused Wed, Thursday and Friday, but she said I needed to work tomorrow. Alrighty, then!

Saturday morning was cloudy and humid. Even though I didn’t start until 10 am, I arrived early to see if I could remember my way around. Employees are very friendly and when I started looking lost, a couple stopped, asked if I needed help and then proceeded to walk me all the way to my starting position and then out ‘onstage’ to my coordinator. I started to relax. My job - all day - was to park strollers. There were three of us assigned to only one ride: the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. It was hectic, but fun. I love helping the guests. They usually want to know where something is (like their stroller). I worked steadily and before long it was 5 pm. I caught the bus to the parking lot and found my way out the correct way (this time) and was home within 30 minutes! Oooo, my sore feet. Quick into my jammies and into the fridge to decide what was for dinner. Looks like some pulled pork and coleslaw. Gary got home at 7:30, we ate, fell into bed, read for 10 minutes and our eyes started closing. End of Saturday.

Today was sunny and climbing into the 80s. We headed out to Sarasota to find some Christmas stuff in our storage units. We have two storage units that hold all the household things that we could fit in case we decide we don’t like this lifestyle.

Because I grew up camping with my family, but Gary had never camped before, we decided not to give up the house and essential contents just yet. We gave ourselves a year to explore this lifestyle including the tight budgeting that goes with it (at least for us) and that year is up in April. So far we love it. He loves driving this 50+ foot long vehicle (I close my eyes), and we love making new friends. We both love discovering new things along the road (preferably a red road). Family is always an issue for fulltimers, and I’m so grateful that we have the support of ours.

Everything I needed was in the back corner of one unit and it took us a couple hours to remove, open every container and find what was needed – but we did! We had to break into suitcase (no key), but a few hours later, I had everything I needed to make Henry his first Christmas stocking. It’s made from felt and is a family tradition since I was a kid. When it’s finished, I’ll take a photo of it.

Off to do some wash now, and then dinner. Gary’s going to do steak on the Barbie. Yummy. Sleep tight!

1 comment:

  1. Oh many issues Hugs to both of you Send phone #, and where to send mail...Love Pam
