It was a sad day, though, as our friends Terry and Sheri and their son, Casey were moving parks. They were planning on staying here long-term, but things changed for them, and only Casey will be working at this park for now.
They didn’t move far, so after they loaded their U-Haul and trailer, off they went with waves of ‘see you later’.
Casey even set off the last of his fireworks.
Monday after work we are planning to drive Casey home to see their new spot. I will miss Jasmine, their mini-schnauzer, too. But the rest of the park probably won’t. Jazzie barked louder and louder until it sounded like she was being murdered. Sheri always had to pick her up and hold her muzzle shut until she quieted down. Here she is ready to go.
We decided to throw some things on the grill for dinner, added some purple hull beans (I had never heard of these…) sautéed onions and mushrooms and roasted taters. Yummy.
After dinner we sat around and talked until Donna suddenly remembered she had to work in the morning and off they went.
Sunday was another beautiful morning and the high was 69 degrees. I gave Gary a haircut, did my two mile exercise walk, and looked through the paper for coupons while we ran the generator for its exercise. We then headed out to Kohl’s who was having a 'buy one top or bottom and get one free'. Well, that didn’t work for us, so we had lunch at Panera. We stopped at Walmart to pick up some groceries and a new spice basket. I keep all my spices and herbs in a plastic container basket in a cupboard, but it had broken and cracked. So with our new container, I washed all the spices, labeled them and put them in their new cupboard.
The peanut butter had to find a new home (which was, of course, where the old spice basket used to reside). Here is a photo of my new spice container’s home.
OK, so this is how boring our life is right now. I am actually taking photos of my spice container. Sheesh.
Tomorrow will surely be more exciting…
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