
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Following Our North Star

Happy Birthday, my son. Twenty-three and his whole life ahead of him. He already knows what direction his northstar lies and is streaming towards it. What a blessing to be that young and know your purpose on earth. I’m glad that having him was one of my purposes on earth. Michelle asked if we’d like a little bonding time with Graham, so he is staying overnight with us. Tomorrow is his birthday. Already three and I’m wondering what he may love in life. I called Ellen, the realtor used for Michelle and now friend! She is excited for us and will get some info on renting/selling for our area to me. After we both get back from our little vacation, she will come and see the house. Gary and I really don’t want to be absentee landlords, but if we get hired in Orlando, we could hold onto the house and make frequent needed trips back to Sarasota to care for it. Hmmmm. The timing of this is so hard for me. I want to go ASAP, but we have no time frame yet, and so I spend my time preparing and sending for things.

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