BUT it was our first day fulltiming and in our comfortable, cozy bed that night, we held hands and said – 'we did it'. We are on our way to anything and anywhere. The feeling of freedom that I felt was like nothing I ever felt before. The USA is so huge and magnificent, I can’t wait to see it all – something new every day. Meeting new people that are naturally friendly because they enjoy this lifestyle that is so liberating, and so comforting because you know help is just a few steps away. We are still a little anxious driving this big thing, but we’ll get used to it.
The next day was beautiful, and we ended the day at Kingsland (King George CG in Georgia) where we attended their weekly Potluck dinner. We met so many nice people and learned a lot about tunnels and propane gas allowances and other road things. Met Doug (a woodworker) and wife, Pat from Nova Scotia parked next to us for 9 days in their beautiful MountainAire ’02. Would have loved to hang out with them for a few more days, but onward we go to Colleton State Park, in Canadys, SC. Route 95 is horrible! Pot holes, two lanes, tractor trailers line up to pass you. One beeped at us, and Gary thought he was saying hello. I thought truckers don’t usually do that. Another beeped and Gary leaned way up because we lost our convex mirror, remember, and noticed a bay door open on the drivers side, no less. Jeeeeeze. We had to pull over on the side of the road, thank god there was a large shoulder, he jumped out, locked it, and we got back on the road easily. That was a minute in my life I could have done without. Mental note: add ‘shut, lock and test door’ to Departure List. We continued to route 61, then 15 and into Colleton State Park. FABULOUS.

Now this will change as it is Easter weekend and James, the ‘flunkie’ and Larry, the ranger say the park will be full. Gary is worried about drunks and noise, but Larry assured him that he has a no tolerance policy, and he will not hesitate to throw rowdy people out of the park. Tomorrow we are going to take an 8.6 mile river trip in our kayak but today, we have to replace this mirror thingy and get groceries, etc. The only problem we have right now is our grey tank is nearly full, and we have four more days till we leave. So we decided to take showers at the public facilities, wash dishes outside, and that should do it.

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